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Adjusting to a new norm (part 2)

Adjusting to a new norm (part 2) deb-gardner-250x250.jpg

We’re working our way through the second month of shelter-in-place recommendations from Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker as I write this note for the month.

I also just returned from my now bi-weekly grocery shopping trip for myself and my 90-year old mother. It does take longer when you have to glove and mask up first, wipe down your cart, follow the traffic pattern on the grocery store’s floor (heaven forbid you forget something in an aisle and need to figure out your way back!) carefully wipe your groceries down when you get home (and your store and charge cards) disinfect your shoes and wash your hands before you start putting things away.

I’m not complaining – we all need to do what’s necessary to keep everyone safe -but it does make me realize how easy life was before COVID-19.

It’s a new normal, something we are all going to be adjusting to for some time to come, I think.

You’ll find this month’s columnists felt the same way, focusing on issues that you may find you have questions about as we continue to fight this virus. From accessing legal help to staying safe online, you’ll find information and advice that you need right now.

You’ll also find some virtual activities - and information on how you can get help learning to navigate the internet more effectively - in this month’s Six Things You Need to Know.

I hope you enjoy the feature story on Morey Phippen and Brian Adams and the company they founded, Phippenadams Solar, to help nonprofit organizations reap the benefits of switching to solar energy. It’s an inspiring tale, and one of my favorite types of pieces. One that shows it is possible for individuals to make a difference in this world.

I hope you are all staying safe, social distancing, and finding ways to stay connected during these very unusual times. Please check in on each other when you can, and know that those of us who bring Prime to you every month are thinking about you.

Debbie Gardner