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July 2009 Happenings

July 2009 Happenings fireworks09-01.jpg
A CAPITOL FOURTH Jimmy Smits hosts and Barry Manilow headlines this annual concert celebrating America's birthday. Broadcast live from the West Lawn of the Capitol. at 8 p.m. on local PBS stations. With Aretha Franklin, Natasha Bedingfield, cast of the Jersey Boys and of course, spectacular fireworks! PRIME photo courtesy of Capitol Fourth
July 1, Storrowton Village Open House Tours, Tues.-Sat., through Aug. 28, Storrowton Village, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., on the Eastern States Exposition grounds, 1305 Memorial Ave., West Springfield. Info: www.TheBigE.com. July 2-11, Other People's Money, Meet Larry the Liquidator, a Wall Street takeover artist who's got his eyes on the struggling New England Wire and Cable company. The company's founder brings in a hot young lawyer to fend off Larry. What ensues is a true "David and Goliath" story of Wall Street versus Mainstreet. Tues.-Thurs., 7:30 p.m.; Fri., Sat. 8 p.m., and Sun. 2 p.m. Tickets: $28/$26 for seniors (65 and up). Student tickets: $14 same day at the door. For info call 585-3220 or 587-3933. Mendenhall Center for Performing Arts, Smith College, Green Street, Northampton; www.newcenturytheatre.org. July 3, "Third Annual Grand Ole 4th of July" at 5:30 p.m. Friends of Stanley Park, Westfield, will gather to salute the holiday with strawberry shortcake, lemonade, popcorn, patriotic costumes, picnics on display, vantage viewing, StanHome memorabilia and fireworks at dusk. July 5, Westfield American Legion Band at 6 p.m. in the Beveridge Pavilion. Free. Chairs will be available. This band has been a local institution since 1932 and will offer a variety of patriotic and traditional music. July 7, Watercolors Class at the Northampton Senior Center. Four-week session on Tuesdays from 1-3 p.m. The fee is $35 for Northampton seniors; $45 for ages 55-59 and non-Northampton seniors. You will be handed a materials list upon registration. The Northampton Senior Center is located at 67 Conz Street. Phone: 587-1228. Every Friday, Open Art Studio, at the Northampton Senior Center from 1-4 p.m. Studio is open to all senior artists. Registration is required; $5 a year usage fee. The senior center is located at 67 Conz Street. For additional info call 587-1307. July 8, Summer Concert Series - "The Dan Kane Singers," Storrowton Village Gazebo, 7-8:30 p.m. on the Eastern States Exposition grounds, 1305 Memorial Ave., West Springfield. Info: www.TheBigE.com. July 11, Big Band Night at the Springfield Armory, 5:30-8:30 p.m. Free swing lesson at 5:30 p.m. by Jitterbugs Dance School; concert and dancing 6:30-8:30 p.m. Dance to memories of Goodman, Glenn Miller, Sammy Kaye, The Dorseys and more. Free indoors if rain. July 12, Dan Kane Junior Singers at 6 p.m. in the Beveridge Pavilion, Stanley Park, Westfield. Free. Chairs will be provided. Come and listen to the newest and youngest (ages six to 15) vocal talents in Western Massachusetts. These young singers perform many of your favorite Broadway and pop blockbusters. July 13, Painting Summer Scenes in Watercolor with Deborah Rubin. Class meets Mon. and Thurs., July 13, 16, 20, 23, 6:30-9 p.m. This two-week intensive will consists of creating two or three finished paintings on paper along with experiments and exercises. It is a techniques and skills class, so anyone is welcome. We will be using large photographs and will learn about the many ways of working. Since the emphasis is on "learning by doing," expect to jump in with paint immediately. More info about Rubin's work can be found on www.deoborahrubin.com. Cost: $160, plus materials list provided upon registration. Northampton Center for the Arts, 17 New South St., third floor, in the Sullivan Building of the Old School Commons. July 15, Summer Concert Series "The Ethel Lee Ensemble," Storrowton Village Gazebo, 7-8:30 p.m. on the Eastern States Exposition grounds, 1305 Memorial Ave., West Springfield. Info: www.TheBigE.com. July 17, Asian Cultural "East Meets Westfield" event at Stanley Park from 7 p.m.-dusk. A week-long celebration with Asian Art, fans and luminaries, origami, tae ku do, tai chai, dragon making, lantern painting, dragon making leads to the grand night of lumination. The Asian Garden will come to life as the night darkens. But not before, Asian dancers and Tako drums set the stage for a spectacular cultural evening. Children will lead the parade with long draped dragons. This family event promises to be one not to miss. July 18, Fenge Shui Workshop at Stanley Park, 10 a.m. Did you ever wonder how your house and life can be in harmony with the world? This workshop explores the ancient art of Fenge Shui. It is part of our cultural celebration. July 18, Storrs House Tours. The Storrs House at 697 Longmeadow St. home of the Longmeadow Historical Society, will be open to the public for guided tours on the third Sunday of July from 1-3 p.m. The collections on view include household furnishings of early ministers in the town., the Rev. Stephen Williams and the Rev. Richard Salter Storrs, as well as items belonging to later generations of local residents. Docents leading the tours for July 18 are Crawford Lincoln and M. J. Wraga. July 19, Donna Lee and her band A Patsy Cline Tribute at 6 p.m. in the Beveridge Pavilion, Stanley Park, Westfield. Free. Chairs will be available. Lee brings to life in wardrobe and smooth, rich vocals, Patsy' legendary hits "Crazy" and "I Fall to Pieces" as well as other songs in a retrospective of Patsy's life and music. July 22, Summer Concert Series "Richie Mitnick and Friends", Coliseum, 7-8:30 p.m., on the Eastern States Exposition grounds, 1305 Memorial Ave., West Springfield. Info: www.TheBigE.com. July 25, Hampden County 4-H Fair, Mallary Complex, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., on the Eastern States Exposition grounds, 1305 Memorial Ave., West Springfield. Info: www.TheBigE.com. July 26, The Glamour Girls at 6 p.m. in the Beveridge Pavilion, STanley park, Westfield. Free. Chairs will be available. The Glamour Girls perform many of the popular songs of the 40s. Brownie, Marlene, and Beverley will take you back in time and bring back many great memories. UPCOMING: Oct. 9 - 11 West Springfield High Class of 1959 50th Reunion. The committee is searching for the following alumni: Thomas Bath, John Bennett, Eleanor (Bushey) Thamaalis, Theodore Chutkowski, Anne Clark, William DeChristopher, Mary Ellen Dimino, Walter Dybik, Judith (Dziedzic) Barnatt, Richard Gleason, Raymond Gosselin, Michael Hoare, Richard Hurlbut, Lawrence James, Ronald Lees, Warren Loehn, Raymond Martowwski, Douglas Massey, Hervey McDonald, Florence Pelkey, David St. Germain, Carol Ann Weighland. If you have information about these missing students, call Mabel (Sartori) Balboni, 413-737-3156, Marilyn (Mattson) Rhodes, 413-562-6043 or e-mail Richard Murray at rmurray@mapinternet.com