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April 2007 Listings - Events - Attractions

Ongoing Women in Print: Extraordinary Examples from the 20th Century. On display at Springfield Museum of Fine Arts, the Quadrangle, downtown Springfield. Free parking. Hours: Tues.- Sun. 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Admission, which includes all four museums and Sr. Seuss Sculpture Garden:$10 adults, $7 seniors and college students, $5 children ages three-seven. Info: 413-263-6800 or www.springfieldmuseums.org. Through April Back to the Future" at the Mead Art Museum, Amherst An exhibition of contemporary art featuring works in Fluxus, painted bronze, abstract monotype, photography, works on paper and sculpture. Free. Hours: Tues.-Sun. 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Thurs. eve. until 9 p.m. Info: www.amherst.edu/mead or 413-542-2335. Through April 28 Elemental: Contemporary Quilted Art On display at the Fiber Art Center, 79 Pleasant St, Suite 1, Amherst. The exhibit features the work of 20 fiber artists from across the U. S. Quilting classes will be offered in conjunction with the exhibit. Hours, more info or to register for classes: www.fiberartcenter.org or 413-256-1818. April 12 Drama Studio 20th Anniversary Silent Auction. Event begins at 6 p.m. at the Melha Shrine Temple, 133 Longhill St. in Springfield . Ongoing entertainment by Drama Studio students, light catered supper and 150 items to bid on, including several Red Sox packages, a business commercial and more. Full list of auction items available at www.dramastudio.org.Tickets are $17.50 per person/$35 per couple. To purchase call The Drama Studio at 739-1983. April 13 Miro String Quartet returns to Music in Deerfield. Performance will take place in the Sweeney Concert Hall, Smith College, Northampton, at 8 p. m. Concert will include Shubert's Death and the Maiden, Quartet No. 4 by Bartok and a Quintet by Crisostomo Arraga. Tickets are $30/adults; $9 children and undergraduate students at the door. Handicapped accessible. April 14 Geordie McIntyre & Alison McMorland perform an evening of Irish and Scottish music at the Unitarian Universalist Society meetinghouse, 245 Porter Lake Drive, Spfld. Concert at 8 p.m. Tickets:$12 at the door. Info: 562-3990 or uNiCoffeehouse.org. April 14-15 Millers River Rat Race Spectacular Three-hundred two-person canoes race down the Millers River from Athol to Orange, Mass, in this annual event. Parade along Athol's Main Street Sat. at 9:30 a.m; race starts at 1 p.m. Food, music and entertainment on Main Street both days. Free. Info: 978-249-3849 or www.northquabbinchamber.com. April 14-15 Lazarus Family Concert Series- Brave Old World:Songs of the Lodz Ghetto. Concert in commemoration of You Hashoah at National Yiddish Book Center, 1021 West St., Amherst. Times: Apr. 14 at 7:30 p.m.; Apr. 15 at 2 p.m. Tickets: $18. Info: 413-256-4900 or www.yiddishbookcenter.org. April 16-22 Deerfield 'Mapathon' Week-long family program at Historic Deerfield in conjunction with exhibit "North by Northeast: Five Centuries of New England Maps" Daily activities include learning how to use a compass, questing, surveying and map designing. Noon-r\4 p.m.; $14 adults, $7 ages 6-21, free for under 5. Ticket good two days. 80 Old Main St. Info:413-775-7214 or www.historicdeerfield.org April 22 Viva Vegas Show presented by the Singin' Swingin' Seniors at Bellamy School, Chicopee. at 2 p.m. Tickets: $10 at the door , children under 12 $4. April 21 Friends of Hampden Seniors Roast Pork Dinner 6 p.m. at the Hampden Senior Center, 104 Allen St. Roast pork, roasted potatoes, peas, butternut squash, rolls, home-made brownies and ice cream. Tickets: Adults$12 Children under 12 $6. Call 413-566-5588 by April 13 for your reservation April 22 Boston Museum of Science Trip Sponsored by St. mary's Parish, 840 Page Boulevard, Springfield. Bus leaves church parking lot at 10 a.m.; returns approximately 7 p.m. Cost: Seniors: $38, Adults (age 12-59) $40, Children (3-11) $37. Fee includes bus, driver's gratuity and ticket to museum. Call Sylvia at 594-2757 for reservations. UPCOMING: May 6 - Sheriff's Sprint Triathlon to Benefit Ludlow Boys & Girls Club. Beginner-style triathelon event will include a 300-yard indoor swim, nine-mile bike race and 3.2-mile road race. Awards to top competitors in various age categories, Athena and Clydesdale athletes, top two teams in all-male, all-female and mixed categories. Tee shirts with early registration,and first 25 who register on race day. Entry fee:$55/$90 team. Register online at :www.firm-racing.com, or call Kevin Crowley at 547-8000 x 2810 at Sheriff's Dept. or Jim Moriarty at the Boys & Girls Club at 583-2072. May 12 Frankie Vallee and the Four Seasons at Mohegan Sun Concert at 8 p.m. Tickets are $27.50. May 20 Blessing of the Motorcycles. and annual pancake breakfast at Holy Name Church, Dickinson St., Springfield. Blessing takes place at 8 a.m., pancake breakfast from 8-11 a.m. Tickets: $3/adults, $1.50 children.