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Marci's Medicare Answers

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Dear Marci, I just found out that I was approved for "extra help," the program that helps pay for the new Medicare drug benefit. Can I still sign up for a drug plan, even though it's after the May 15th deadline? Will I have to pay a penalty? Meredith Dear Meredith, Being approved for Extra Help entitles you to a Special Enrollment Period (SEP). You can sign up for a Medicare private drug plan through December 31 and will not have to pay a penalty. Extra Help is available to people whose monthly income in 2006 is below $1,226 and assets below $11,500 ($1,651/income and $23,000/assets for couples). To apply for Extra Help, get an application from the Social Security Administration or apply online at www.ssa.gov. People who do not have an SEP have to wait to sign up for a plan until the Annual Coordinated Election Period, which runs from November 15 until December 31 of every year, with coverage beginning January 1 of the following year. A 7 percent penalty will be added to the monthly premium for delaying enrollment this year. Marci Dear Marci, I have diabetes, which I recently read might be linked to glaucoma. Does Medicare cover glaucoma screening? George Dear George, Medicare will cover an annual glaucoma screening because you have diabetes. Other risk factors that qualify you for glaucoma screening are high blood pressure, a family history of glaucoma, and being African American age 50 and older or Hispanic American age 65 and older. Medicare will pay 80 percent of its approved amount for the screening. It is a good idea to be screened because, while there is no way to prevent glaucoma, early treatment can slow the progress of the disease and could prevent blindness. Marci Dear Marci, My Mother just had her knee replaced and will need a walker when she gets out of the hospital. Can she rent one through Medicare or will she have to buy one? Miranda Dear Miranda, A walker will be covered by Medicare as a piece of durable medical equipment. Some types of durable medical equipment can only be rented, often the more expensive items. You get durable medical equipment through a supplier who can tell you whether your item needs to be bought or can be rented. To save money, choose a supplier who accepts Medicare's reimbursement rate as full payment (this is called taking "assignment"). You can call 1-800-842-2052 to get a list of suppliers. Marci Marci's Medicare Answers is a service of the Medicare Rights Center (www.medicarerights.org), the nation's largest independent source of information and assistance for people with Medicare. To subscribe to "Dear Marci," MRC's free educational e-newsletter, simply e-mail dearmarci@medicarerights.org. Medicare Rights Center www.medicarerights.org