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AARP to host free job-search webinar June 11 for workers ages 45 and up

More than 75,000 workers age 45 and older in Massachusetts have recently suffered job loss. In these tough economic times, they are especially vulnerable. To help, AARP is hosting a free webinar, "Navigating Your Way Through Job Loss," on June 11 at 2 p.m. The hour-long session is designed to assist workers age 45-plus create an action plan for reemployment. To register for the webinar, go online to AARP.org/RealRelief. There is no fee to participate. "Navigating Your Way Through Job Loss is designed for workers age 45 plus who have experienced job loss or fear a potential layoff. The live, Web-based event will provide practical information including how to develop an effective job-search strategy, manage the job hunt as well as finances and health and connect with others to get support "Older workers are not only experiencing job loss, but they are facing longer job searches to gain reemployment," said Deborah Banda, AARP Massachusetts state director. "This could have serious impact on their ability to pay the bills today, and also may jeopardize their long-term financial security, as many dip into retirement savings to make ends meet." This webinar is part of AARP's Real Relief initiative to help older Americans during tough economic times. Real Relief, an online portal, provides information and resources about reemployment, money management, protecting investments, public benefits programs and retirement. Features include home budget calculators, community groups, and a job database. To register for Navigating Your Way Through Job Loss and explore AARP's Real Relief resources, go to www.AARP.org/RealRelief or visit www.AARP.org/MA". AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization that helps people 50+ have independence, choice and control in ways that are beneficial and affordable to them and society as a whole. AARP does not endorse candidates for public office or make contributions to either political campaigns or candidates. We produce AARP The Magazine, the definitive voice for 50+ Americans and the world's largest-circulation magazine with over 34.5 million readers; AARP Bulletin, the go-to news source for AARP's 40 million members and Americans 50+; AARP Segunda Juventud, the only bilingual U.S. publication dedicated exclusively to the 50+ Hispanic community; and our website, www.AARP.org. AARP Foundation is an affiliated charity that provides security, protection, and empowerment to older persons in need with support from thousands of volunteers, donors, and sponsors. We have staffed offices in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.