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Rob Peck

Rob’s Recipe for Waking Up on the Right Side of the Bed

PRIME – January 2015 Step One Take two minutes to lie in bed and greet the morning with reasons to feel grateful (including the absence of past ailments or easing of present ones). Step Two Sit up and savor the simple pleasure of several slow, relaxing deep breaths. Step Three Lie on your back in bed and spend five to seven minutes slowly stretching opposite limbs, shaping your body in the shape of an extended X. Take care to notice where muscles feel tight and see if you can discover a gentle way to ease that tension.) Step Four Be mindful of your jaw responding to muscle tightness by clenching, and counter this reaction by lightly opening your lips and placing your tongue at the bottom of your mouth. Better yet, fix your face in a broad smile that signals relaxation to your brain. Step Five Roll out of bed, open the blinds and, weather permitting, lift the window. Stick your head out and smell the morning. Take a firm stance; raise both arms over your head and say, “Yes!” If that’s too over the top, a quick wink at your reflection will suffice. Step Six When it’s warm out, brush your teeth in the sun and feel lucky that this lets you spend a few extra minutes outdoors on a nice day. Step Seven Pour a tall glass of water or juice, and before breakfast, sit in a quiet spot. As you slowly drain the liquid, jot down the names of three people your gut tells you would welcome a small gesture of kindness. As you down the last swallow, raise a glass in a toast to starting your day with kindfulness practices that fill you with a spirit of gratitude and generosity. The above “recipe” reprinted with permission from “It’s A Juggle Out There: A Guide to A Better & More Fulfilling Life” by Rob Peck. Bookmark and Share