The nine longevity traits of the Zoomer lifestyle
A Boomer is anyone born between 1946 and 1964. No other qualifications necessary.
Zoomer status requires the adoption of what Demko calls nine Longevity Traits.
The nine Zoomer traits:
1. Adhere to daily nutritional and caloric needs based on age, gender and weight
Examples: annual physical exam, daily multi-vitamin, drink lots of water (5 ozs per 10 lbs. of body weight).
2. Perform daily brain exercises to enhance memory, learning, and problem-solving skills.
Examples: crossword puzzles, card games, brain teasers, chess, read aloud, learn something new.
3. Maintain a total fitness regimen of aerobics (endurance) and anaerobics (strength and flexibility)
Examples: 20 minutes speed walk at Target Heart Rate, 10 minutes low-impact lifting (aquatics).(
4. Orchestrate a social network of companions, friends, and confidantes.
Examples: voluntary service, be a good listener, sign-up for group travel, get a pet for companionship.
5. Build a positive self-concept and passion for living life to the fullest.
Examples: take the MMPI to identify project that fit your personality, think positive, learn to laugh often.
6. Create a repertoire of faith-based coping skills.
Examples: join a spiritual group and participate regularly, keep a positive attitude.
7. Engage in sound retirement planning necessary to live an adventurous life.
Examples: enroll in a college course, visit your bank's trust departement for advice.
8. Learn the difference between primary (inevitable) and secondary (reversible) aging
Examples: join a self-improvement group, visit for updates on health topics.
9. Cultivate a keen sense of intellectual curiosity about your world.
Examples: make a habit of asking questions: "How, Why, Compared to what, Where can I find out more?"
Reprinted with permission from AgeVentureNews Service/Zoomer Magazine, Boca Raton FL.